I often get the question how I support myself, as someone that lives with pelvic pain, during my period, and I've created a list of some items I do every month during my period. A little “vibes list” if you will:
Heating pad
For obvious reasons, I think we all know and love them. This is something you can also use to support you during your yoga practice, take your heating pad with you.
Cramp cream by Somedays
I LOVE this cramp cream, and I use it every month to help with my menstrual cramps. I also love their pelvis shaped heating pads (which you can personalize! Mine says fck pelvic pain).
Yes, you heard me right. Masturbation can do wonders for any menstrual cramps you may have, and it brings those happy hormones along that we love.
This one is for some either a heck yes, or a no. In many of my teacher trainings they say not to do this one when you’re menstruating - because it brings your qi (energy) in the wrong direction. However, I love doing this one because when you’re on your period your pelvic bowl can feel very inflamed, heavy, and heated, and this is an excellent pose to release some of that pressure + add a heating pad on your belly for double the power.

Supine Bound Angle (Butterfly pose) (Join us for more virtual yoga)
Lie down with the soles of the feet together and legs wide, you can always place pillows under your legs for extra support. This is a very opening pose, and you can place a heating pad on top of your belly/vulva to find some more comfort.
Free-bleeding or being intentional with the period products you use
With the latest news breaking that tampons have heavy metals in them, I think we could start to pay more attention to what we spend money on. Sure, buying period underwear or a menstrual cup is a one-time more expensive purchase, but in the long run - it’s not, because it’s a reusable product (and it doesn't have lead in it). But also, you’re voting with your dollar. Be mindful of where you spend your money, especially with something such as our health because, as we know all too well, we’re often swept under the rug.
With that being said - there are also great tampon and pad companies out there without harmful chemicals. It all comes back to being mindful of what you choose to put in your body, and find a company you Actually want to support.
Supplementation: Take supplements and herbs to support your period, for example magnesium, raspberry leaf, lavender, iron.
What are other things you’d like to add to this list? Let me know down below 👇🏽